Our History



If you have come this far it is because you are possibly wondering, 

What is Ideal's Shop? 

What is it about? 

  What does it offer? o Who is the creator of this store? 

Our online store was created to promote our brand and to be able to show and market our products. Well, in this space we will answer all those questions that you may be asking yourself.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: OUR BRAND ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Ideal's is 

Inspiration for everyone who dreams of undertaking. 

Demonstration of a dream come true. 

Effort and perseverance. 

Art design and passion. 

Love and value. 

Satisfaction of knowing that God fulfills.

"Success is not the best, nor is failure the end, what really matters is the courage to keep trying until you see it done."


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: OUR STORE :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Ideal's Shop is a dream from the heart of its creator come true, a revelation from God after many prayers in the midst of the tribulation and adversity of life. Ideal's is the way to express the passion and love for the art of creating and designing products that identify with you, show just by wearing a hair accessory or a 100% Cotton ecological fabric bag and a printed image can say who you are, and how you feel without saying a word. Our mission is to be able to give joy, satisfaction and unique style to all our special clientele and that they can also give joy to their family, friends or partner by giving any of our products. 

We want to tell you that our Vision is to be able to reach more people internationally, grow, show and market our products so that our customers obtain satisfaction, comfort, style and versatility when using any of the products we offer. 


::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: OUR VALUES ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::







 Everything we do is so that our products can meet your needs by carrying quality, style and versatility on a daily basis. 

We are dedicated to the creation and design of Scrunchies hair accessories in different colors, as well as cheerful, simple and elegant prints for all tastes with three sizes: small, standard and XL, bows, headbands and ecological bags with youthful designs and also customized, in addition to marketing products from stationery suppliers and accessories for people who love Kawaii products, everything is without neglecting quality and good style. We are specialists in creating products that connect people, making them smile. Because our collections, products and designs are not just pretty gifts, they are a way of understanding the styles, versatility, utility and comfort that we need on a daily basis. 


:::::::::::::::::::::: OUR CREATOR AND FOUNDER :::::::::::::::::::::

Ana Cayama is a brave and warrior wife and mother of two children who loves to create and design, administrator and teacher, counselor and guide of many children and young people from an early age, with a fighting and persevering spirit that characterizes her and that always carry with you. She made gift accessories for her nieces and students and seeing her happy faces encouraged and inspired her to continue designing and combining colors and different materials and even to reuse some materials to create accessories. 


Ana She is the creator of the Ideal's brand and founder of the Ideal's Shop online store. She was always passionate about creating things with her hands from a very young age, she cut out magazines where models, clothes and accessories appeared and created her own designs, she always liked to combine colors in her arts, developing an idea that years later became a dream that postponed for many years. 

  This idea was reborn in 2016 in her native country Venezuela in the midst of a social, political and personal crisis, but that could not materialize because she had to emigrate, implying that new stage of her life to restructure all the goals and dreams of her; She had to focus on knowing and adapting to a new lifestyle and a new language, however, that desire in her heart despite the time that had passed and the difficult processes that she had to live through, did not stop her, those processes motivated her to again to resume that dream of creating and designing hair accessories and ecological bags, becoming the purpose that she shares with her husbands and children. 

Today we are already 8 people who make up a great work team, motivated and committed to this wonderful project and hoping to continue growing as time goes by. We will continue creating new product lines and presenting excellent service, as well as promoting all our products in this store. 

We take the opportunity to invite you to visit us at the Idelsshop.com store and see all the products we offer and if you like any, do not hesitate to buy it, remember that they are handmade with great care, dedication, excellence and love for you. I hope this story connects with you and inspires you to persevere until your dreams come true. 

 God bless you greatly!

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